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Polls » Saltwater Bass Fishing.

Saltwater Bass Fishing.

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I would like to deterime everyones views on best methods to catch Bass using controller float.
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  • Rich Hart, Ken Davies, and james long like this
  • Rich Hart Your probably right Ken i don't do much sea fishing, living in the midlands. I am off to Cornwall next week and im going after the mullet. I got some good sized fish last year biggest must have been around 5lb. Like i said i don't know anything about...  more
  • Mark Callaghan Your input is appreciated Rich,i've never used live bait but it is a killer Bass bait i here,i'm fishing schoolies with the chance of a big one,the area they are in are swarming with bait fish but i've also heard that the most efficent method where i'm...  more
  • Rich Hart Hope you catch a big un then Mark hope to see some nice photos
  • lee gallagher live sandeel if you can get them is an absolute killer for bass, peeler crab and mackerel especially a mackerel head for the bigger fish is hard to beat..thats my own experience anyway