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Polls » real or artificial?

real or artificial?

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we all know the real deal catches fish? but what about artificial baits, with or without a pop-upped effect? which side you you prefer? do you think artificial bait have anything on the real thing?
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  • james long i normally use natural baits, i find that using naturals is more effective on educated fish that have been caught recently on artificials, because of this they realise that the things that are poped up brightly collored are often full of hooks. it also...  more
  • richard coven it gives me positive reeforcement to have choosen a lure from my collection
  • jessie lal i agree with erik on the artificial baits however wen it comes to who will catch more fish with lures or live baits iv proven many times that live bait catches more cuz many times we go out with live baits and theres boats all around us using lures and...  more
  • Mike Zander No choice.Artificial lure or fly only round here.