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Polls » damaged fish

damaged fish

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i'm always concerned about the fish i put back on wether they are going to simply bleed to death after being hooked, so what does more dammage to fish when hooked.
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  • Nick Brevitz While bait fishing definitely leads to more gut hooking, I have gut hooked pike while casting 1oz spoons as well as small and good size trout with spoons. It depends a lot, but I have only fatally gut hooked one trout and one pike on hardware. Its more...  more
  • Michael Mosbey I don't think it matters if you are using a treble hook but where you hook the fish like in the gills its an inevitable death.
  • lee gallagher bait hooked fish definately lead to more gut hooking especially where pike are concerned usually because many anglers leave it too long to strike after the bait has been picked up. I 've seen countless Pike go back into the water bleeding heavily as a...  more
  • Mike Zander Where I live trebles are banned.Plus careful handling gives undersized fih a chance.